Construction Supervision Structural Engineering

In the construction supervision of structural engineering, the corresponding structural implementation is realized after the construction and dimensioning of load-bearing structures.

As part of the project implementation, trained employees, supported by the latest tendering software on the basis of the VOB, draw up the necessary tender documents and accompany the project from its creation to the actual implementation on site.

The entire project planning process is documented in a transparent and structured manner in compliance with current regulations.

Here you will find our references! (GERMAN)

Head of department:
Sebastian Kratz

The performance spectrum includes:

  • Creating invitations to tender
  • On-site monitoring of construction measures
  • Billing of construction measures
  • Contractual construction project management
  • Supplementary review according to reason and amount
  • Date and cost control
  • Quality assurance
  • Protection of evidence during construction
  • Competition in the acceptance
  • Safety and health protection coordination