Vocational training:
Dipl. -Ing. (TU / FH) Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Engineering, Dipl. -Ing. (TU) Architect, State Certified Technician, Master of Science.
Additional training in steel construction/corrosion protection:
Specialist welding engineers, welding quality test engineers, welding technicians, DIN-tested coating inspectors for the corrosion protection of steel structures by coating systems, competence to carry out non-destructive tests (VT2, PT2, MT2, OT2, RT2-FI), recognised coating inspectors NS476 Frosio certificate (NS476 Frosio certified), KOR certificate.
Additional trainings in structural engineering:
Certified engineer for the VFIB building examination, specialist for bearings in civil engineering, SIVV certificate, Certified Scientific Diver (European Scientific Diver), level 1 + 2 + 3 rope access technician, training certificate for aerial work platforms (IPAF), MVAS job security, E- certificate (extended concrete technology training).
Other additional training:
SAS safety auditor for roads: Out-of-town and cross-town roads, SAS safety auditor for roads: City streets and cross-town roads, safety and health protection coordinator, occupational safety specialist, expertise for work in accordance with TRGS 519, special expertise in environmental construction supervision, safety barrier assembly specialist.